Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15, 2011

            She makes lines in the wet sand with her feet. Her toes run across the dark brown sand, and teardrops of sand splash sideways. The sea send out a wave that makes the lines and teardrops in the sand disappear. She makes those same lines and teardrops, they are erased again, and she’s childishly angry. It’s fun to be angry at something so futile. The sea is almost entirely green tonight, but when it meets the sky, it carries a deep blue that then fuses with the night sky. The moon, a large, orange caretaker, makes her way down the sea.
            People walk by and take pictures. A narrow river becomes one with the sea right here, but it’s such a shallow river that kids walk across it with no difficulty whatsoever. It must be a happy, little river, though, with all these unknown people digging their heels in its waters. 

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